Read Job 8:13 and 30:26; 1 Corinthians 13:13; and Psalm 62
Reflect Into a dark world, Jesus came, bringing hope to the hopeless. It is pretty much a given that we will experience difficult and painful times, but to get through them, we must have hope. We long for it—hoping the future will be better. But we often place our hope in the wrong things. Where do you turn? Whom do you trust?
Three aspects of Hope:
1. Hope is essential.
a. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt all hope was gone? Are you going through such a time right now?
b. To get through it, who/what do you find yourself relying on most? c. If you endured a difficult trial, what would you tell someone just entering one?
2. Hope is eternal.
a. In the Bible, Job says he hoped for good, but evil came instead. Yet, his faith in God never wavered. Name others in the Bible who were in difficult situations that grew worse before they got better.
b. Would you say you are a hopeful person? How have your experiences shaped your outlook?
c. Did you think being Christian would make life easier? What has been your experience?
3. Hope is only found in Jesus Christ.
a. Where are you placing your hope other than in Jesus?
b. Do you tend to rely on your own power and ability? Explain.
c. Do you find yourself thinking that money could solve the problem?
d. Without censoring your answer, fill in: If only ______ would happen, everything would be okay.i. Has your “if only” ever come true, but then it did not satisfy? Explain.
e. When life is going well, is it easy to hope and trust God? What about when you are going through something painful?
f. God’s Power: Do you believe he is stronger than anything you will ever face? Consider writing down or saying aloud that he is stronger than the specific issue you are facing. Declare it.
Focus on God’s Love
a. God loves YOU. Do you believe it?
b. Can you recognize God’s hand in your past?
c. Do you look to the cross, where his love was poured out so that you can have a hope and a future?
d. He knows what you are going through. Do you trust him to use it for the good of his kingdom?
What is your next step? Where is God leading you? How can your small group support you and hold you accountable in this?
Join us this Sunday morning at 8:30, 10, or 11:30 a.m. as we worship God together and seek to keep Jesus at the center!