The church—the body of Christ—was created by God to be just that—a body, a family of brothers and sisters in Christ who care for one another; encouraging and supporting one another to live and love like Jesus. As a church family at CenterPointe Christian Church we look out for one another.
The Congregational Care ministry of CenterPointe was established for the purpose of facilitating this “caring for one another” ethic that we hold dear. Our goal is to help to ensure that our church members receive care when they are in need, and that we empower our people to care for one another through their volunteer service.
We do this through a number of Congregational Care ministries.
Prayer Ministry
Prayer, beyond being a vital means of communicating with God, is a way for us to act on our firmly held belief that we depend on God in every circumstance. The Bible instructs us to pray at all times, and to pray for one another. Do you or someone you know need prayer? We’d like to care for you in that way.
Grief Share
This Christ-centered program, offered periodically, helps people apply biblical principles as they deal with the emotions and life stresses following the death of a loved one.
Meal Ministry
We provide short-term assistance with meals during a time of need (following childbirth, a sickness, etc.). We are not professionals, rather we are friends from church stopping by to support you by bringing you a meal.
Transportation Ministry
We provide rides on a periodic basis to those who are unable to drive, due to injury or illness, to doctor’s appointments, errands, grocery shopping, church, etc. Do you or someone close to you need assistance with transportation during a difficult time? We are not professionals, rather we are friends from church stopping by and helping out a friend in need.
Visitation Ministry
Would you or someone close to you like a visit from one of our Visitation Team lay leaders? Maybe a hospital visit? Homebound? Sick and can’t make it to church? We are not medical professionals or professional counselors, rather we are a friend from church stopping by for conversation and connection. Our conversations are held in the strictest of confidence and we want you to know that we are here for you.