We all need peace in these uncertain times. Join us as Pastor Mitch guides us through having peace by leaning into God's word. Take away from today's message: Don't get ahead of God's plan.
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups
What are some of the different things people mean when they use the phrase, "peace on earth," or put a bumper sticker on their care that says "peace?"
What kind of peace do you think this world is seeking most?
If Jesus offers a peace that is different from the world's (John 14:27), what kind of peace does the world offer most readily?
Part of Advent is understanding that Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
How does God change a person's life such that they have peace with God (Romans 5:1, 8-10, Eph. 2:14-18), the peace of God (Colossians 3:15, Eph 4:1-3), and and peace on earth (Matthew 5:9, Luke 2:10-14, Colossians 1:15-20), even amidst the chaos of the world around us. Use the passages listed to dig deeper into the peace of God
Can a person live a peaceful life and still not know the peace of God? Explain your answer
How much of your own sense of peace is related to circumstances, relationships, or inner calm instead of the Lord?
What could someone do to change the foundation of their peace?
Peace isn't something you whip up or will into existence. What is it according to (Galatians 5:22)?
By what means can believers have abiding peace?
How does this help you understand the importance of having a spirit-filled life?
How would you commend peace to people who seem to want excitement and adventure in life? How could you explain that the peace of God is not in conflict with exhilaration and exploration?
What are some characteristics of biblical peace?
What are some characteristics of biblical peace? What does it look like practically in your life?
What biblical counsel could you offer someone who is feeling a lack of peace or seeking to respond spiritually to anxiety and fear? From your own personal experiences, what has God showed you from his word, or through spiritual disciplines that has helped minister peace to your soul?
Where have you been sensing a lack of peace in your life recently?
What steps can you take to follow the direction of the spirit?
How can you be more aware and sensitive to God's peace on a daily basis?
Have you tried (PTP) Pause, Think, Pray? What does it look lik eto take each step?
Understanding that there are two possible eternal destinies for people - one of peace and one of torment - who are you praying for this advent season? Who in your sphere of family, friends, classmates, neighbors, or colleagues needs to hear the good news of God's peace this Christmas?