
Living a Life in Sandals: Overcoming Temptation

In order to follow Jesus we need to learn about His life. Learning about His life isn't complete without learning about how often He was tempted and how He resisted that temptation. Join us for Living a Life in Sandals: Overcoming Temptation
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups
  • Satan tempted Jesus, when he was at his weakest moment.  When he was fasting Satan told Jesus to turn the stones to bread.  We will always been tempted when we are at our weakest.  Discuss how you've seen that play out in your own life.
  • Where does temptation come from?
  • How do we overcome temptation?   What makes us stronger in our fight against temptation?
  • Jesus was fully man and fully God.  He grew up and walked the earth just as we have.  Scripture tells us that He suffered with doubt, fear and sadness just as we have.   There is no problem that we have encountered that Jesus hasn't also felt.  Does this make you question your faith or does it increase your faith?