
Living a Life in Sandals: Proper Prayers

"Living a Life in Prayer: Proper Prayers" dissects Matthew 6:9-13, revealing the depth of the Lord's Prayer beyond memorization. Each verse is explored to illuminate its significance, guiding us to sincere, meaningful prayer that fosters a closer relationship with God and aligns our hearts with His will.
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups
  • When you are praying do you try to get God into alignment with your wants/desires or are you bending your prayers to match with what God has planned for you?
  • Can you recite the Lord's Prayer by memory?   Try it...don't sneak a peek!
  • Discuss what each section of the Lord's Prayer means to you (noting the explanation at the end of each line):
    • Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. (Adoration)
    • They Kingdom come.  They will be done in earth , as it is in heaven. (Submission)
    • Give us this day our daily bread. (Provision)
    • Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. (Confession)
    • And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil (Protection)
  • When we pray we tend to tell God how big our problems are.  What would our life & prayers look like if we told our problems how big our God is?
  • Do you really want a God so small that you can convince Him that your way is better?  Explain.
  • God wants to be in relationship with us.  No act of connection is too big or too small for God.  He wants to be in community with us on a personal level and this connection gives God the opportunity to show His power and strength in our lives.
  • Share a time you prayed for something and that prayer wasn't answered the way you wanted.  How does this experience build your relationship with God?
  • Share a time you prayed for something and that prayer was answered in the way that you wanted.  How does this experience build your relationship with God?
Matthew 6: 9-13