

Dr. Phil Schmunk's message on Ephesians 4:32 emphasized the transformative power of forgiveness. He highlighted that true forgiveness reflects God's grace, fostering healing and unity, and reminded us to be kind and compassionate, forgiving others just as God forgave us.
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups
  1. Why Should we avoid Un-forgive-ness?
  2. Holding on to bitterness only hurts you.  Can you think of a time when you did this (were bitter) and it brought you only sorrow?
  3. Think of an example where forgiveness has changed the relationship or the situation.
    1. Is there a Biblical example?
  4. Who do you need to forgive today?
    1. What does that look like in words, actions, or attitude?  Ask God to help you in this area.?
  5. Why we should practice forgiveness:
      1. It is an outstanding way to demonstrate the Character of Christ.
      2. Because we personally need it from others or are going to need it and forgiving others is like putting money in the bank in an eternal way.  Start being a forgiving person today : Cut the cord; Let that unforgiven person out of the cage.