
The Story of God: Rescue & Law (The Promised Land)

God’s faithfulness sustains us in deserts and valleys, just as it did for Israel. Trust His promises, surrender to His leading, and discover a life full of purpose and peace.
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups

Discussion questions:

God's Faithfulness

Reflect on a time in your life when you felt like you were in a “desert” or “valley.” How did you experience God’s presence or faithfulness during that season?

Trust in God's Plan

The Israelites wandered for 40 years to learn trust and gratitude. What lessons have you learned through waiting or difficult seasons in your life?


God’s Guidance

In what ways do you feel God has provided guidance or direction in your life, even when the path seemed unclear?


The Name of Jesus

Why do you think the name of Jesus evokes such strong reactions in people, both positively and negatively? How has the name of Jesus personally impacted your life?


Learning from the the Israelites

The Israelites often complained and doubted God despite His miracles. What practical steps can we take to cultivate gratitude and trust in God daily?