
Helping the people of CenterPointe to live on mission near and far.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

At CenterPointe we believe that the call on every follower of Jesus is to engage with God’s mission to expand His kingdom on earth through the church. We are committed to obeying Christ by being a church that prays, gives, sends, and goes in support of that mission.

GO: We commit to following Christ’s example by being His  ambassadors in our community locally and making an impact globally. “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15).


Global Missions

CenterPointe’s Mission’s Council is tasked with educating and inspiring the congregation to pursue the Great Commission at home and abroad, and evaluating and approving mission agencies, missionaries, missionary candidates from within CenterPointe, and short term project opportunities that align with our goals and core values.

We are currently partners with three global missionary organizations whose focus is on evangelism and discipleship in support of the local church and church planters.

Open Arms Worldwide (OAW) works to mobilize the local church to bring hope to at-risk children and youth at home and around the world. We partner with OAW in various ways, from sending short and medium term mission teams and individuals, to prayer and financial partnership in their missionary training school and base. To learn more go to www.openarmsworldwide.org

New Times Christian Center (Ukraine) is a church established in the community center church model. Pastor Andriy has been serving courageously in Ukraine not only preaching and teaching, but helping lead his church as they provide much needed humanitarian support to the population. Our partnership with New Times Christian Center currently is focused on prayer and material support, but our shared vision with Pastor Andriy is that this would expand to include short term teams and church planting support.


Agape Flights (Caribbean) In a world where resources are few and the infrastructure is sparse, Agape Flights’ timely deliveries of mail and supplies are vital to sustain missionary families and their ministries. 

Hundreds of mission partners rely on Agape Flights to transport the mail and supplies they need while living and working on the mission field in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and the Bahamas.

Agape is based here in Venice and there are volunteer opportunities for CenterPointe members.  www.agapeflights.com

Give & Go

Local Missions

CenterPointe believes that the Great Commission begins at home. With that in mind, we partner with several local organizations that are serving the greater Venice community in the name of Jesus. These partnerships are part of our call both to give (time, talent, and treasure) as well as to go. We encourage our members to consider serving at these organizations.

You can use the contact information for each organization or allow our staff to help you connect by using the button below to learn more about volunteering at one of these organizations.

180 House (Sun Coast Youth for Christ) – Youth for Christ reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus. 180 House is using board-sports and the arts as a common interest to engage and teach youth about the love of Christ. Their mission is to use community volunteers to get involved in the life of local teens and help them grow in their faith. For more information, or to volunteer go to www.suncoastyfc.org/the-180-house/

FCA Sports – Fellowship of Christian Athlete’s (FCA) Sports mission seeks to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. “Our focus is to build Christ-centered community sports programs that are competitive, yet encouraging, empowering, and most of all, centered on the Gospel.” FCA Sports Director for Sarasota County is our own Mike McKirahan.  For more information, volunteer and support opportunities, contact Mike at jmckirahan@fca.org

Good News Club at Taylor Ranch Elementary – Good News Club (GNC) is an evangelistic Bible club that takes place at Taylor Ranch Elementary School once the school day has ended and is staffed by CenterPointe volunteers. The club time includes a Bible lesson, memory verse, games, songs, and much more! Good News Club is the primary ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), the world’s largest children’s ministry. If you are interested in volunteering with GNC, click here.


Pregnancy Solutions – To empower men, women and youth with life affirming options and support. Pregnancy Solutions provides confidential care for pregnancy and sexual health related services and does not refer or perform abortions.

To learn more or volunteer, go to www.pregnancysolutions.org

One Christ, Won City –  One Christ Won City is a gathering of local followers of Jesus on the West Coast of Florida that exists to share in whatever ways we can – a united witness to our Lord Jesus Christ in this community where our Lord has placed us!  They coordinate volunteers from many local congregations for events and programs such as Baptism on the Gulf, Together we Can, blessing our public school teachers, food assistance, and much more.  This local mission is led by our own Jim Foubister.  For information on how to get involved as a prayer partner or volunteer, you can go to www.onechristwoncity.com or www.togetherwecan.life

Contact Us
Questions about Missions?

To learn more about Missions at CenterPointe, contact our Family Pastor Mike Meyers.

Mike Meyers
Family Pastor