So following after Jesus, putting our faith in Jesus leads to eternal life, but it
also leads to an abundant life on earth. What does an abundant life on earth look like?
This message celebrated Jesus ascending after being crucified & dying. Those who are unsure if Jesus is the son of God may say, "I believe Jesus was real. He was a good man, I'm just not sure if he was the son of God." C.S. Lewis and many Theologians have agreed that you cannot say that you believe that Jesus was "just" a good man based on his life and teachings. Because of how he conducted his life he was either a liar, a lunatic or the Son of God. Discuss this thought process?
What does the resurrection of Jesus mean to you? Discuss these 5 points and the impact they have on your life.
1. Jesus is who he claimed to be.
2. Jesus has the power he claimed to have.
3. Jesus did what he promised to do.
4. My past can be forgiven.
5. My future can be secure.
There will come a time when every single one of us stand before God and
will have a performance review. Are you living your life on the "Performance Plan" or the "Pardon Plan"?
Performance Plan
1. Never sin
2. Always do what's right for the entire time that you live.
3. Always make the right decisions,
4. Always say the right thing,
5. Never say the wrong thing.
6. Don’t even think the wrong thing.
Just be perfect.
Pardon Plan:
Let Jesus stand in for you for your performance review.
Join us this Sunday morning at 8:30, 10, or 11:30 a.m as we worship God together and seek to keep Jesus at the center!