
The Process of a True Worship Experience

How do you move from seeing God for who He is, into a place of true worship? Isaiah’s experience in the throne room of God gives us a roadmap.
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups
1. Read through Isaiah 6:1-8 from beginning to end.  Now look back at verses 1 and 2 and ask yourself, what is the first ingredient necessary for your worship times personally or in the weekly gathering of the church?
2. How does acknowledging that we are in the actual presence of God change worship for you?
3.What does Gods Holiness mean for my own self righteousness? (Verses 3,4)
4. What should be my response to the recognition of my sinfulness? (Verse 5)
5. How often do we practice confession and repentance?
6. What does it mean to have a new perspective? (Verses 6,7) How have your perspectives on God and on worship changed as you’ve grown closer to Him?
7. How do we, or should we, or will we respond to this “true worship experience”? (Verse 8)
Isaiah 6:1-8