
The Story of God: Land & Kingdom (The Promised Land: Joshua & Jericho)

Joshua’s encounter with God reminded him that victory belongs to the Lord. The Israelites obeyed God’s unusual battle plan, marching in faith until Jericho’s walls fell. Their story teaches us to trust God, even when we don’t understand His ways. Breakthrough comes when we faithfully follow Him, knowing His power secures the victory.
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups

Discussion Questions

1. Trusting God’s Plan

  • Joshua had to trust God's unconventional strategy for conquering Jericho. Can you share a time when God’s plan for your life didn’t make sense at first? How did you respond?

2. Worship Before the Battle

  • Before the battle, Joshua encounters the Commander of the Lord’s Army and worships. How can worship help us prepare for the challenges we face in life?

3. Obedience and Faith

  • The Israelites had to march around Jericho for seven days before seeing any results. What does this story teach us about obedience and patience in our faith journey?

4. Remaining Faithful Despite Uncertainty

  • The Israelites had to follow God’s instructions precisely, even when victory wasn’t immediate. How do you remain faithful when you don’t see immediate results in your prayers or efforts?

5. God’s Power in Our Battles

  • The walls of Jericho fell, not by human strength, but by God's power. What battles are you facing right now that you need to surrender to God’s power instead of your own efforts?
Joshua 5:13-6:5