
The Story of God: The Promise of Eternity with God

Heaven is beyond our understanding—too glorious for words. Jesus reassures us in John 14 that He prepares a place for us. Eternity with God is perfect peace, joy, and unending love.
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups

1. The Reality of Eternity

  • How does the concept of eternity shape the way you live today?

2. Heaven: The Home Jesus Prepares

  • What aspects of Heaven described in Revelation 21:18-21 excite you the most? Why?

3. The Reality of Hell

  • How do Jesus’ warnings about Hell challenge our perspective on faith and evangelism?

4. Jesus: The Only Way to Eternity with God

  • What does Jesus’ statement in John 14:6 reveal about the exclusivity of salvation through Him?

5. Living with Eternity in Mind

  • What practical changes can you make to invest more in eternal treasures rather than temporary ones?