
Winning The War In Your Mind

If you want to develop the mind of Christ, if you want to have a life filled with more peace, more hope, less stress, then replace the negative thoughts with the positive by spending time at the feet of Jesus.
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups
    • What was one take away for you from this weeks message?
    • Where to you struggle with unChristlike thoughts? How do these thought patterns effect the way you live day to day?
    • How do you see the things you consume impacting your thoughts and actions?
    • Read Colossians 3:1-4, Philippians 4:8-9. How can you begin to “renew your mind”?
    • In the story of Mary and Martha, which do you most relate to? What can you learn from this account as it relates to your relationship with Jesus?
    •  What was one area of conviction, encouragement, or exhortation to action you took from this message?
Proverbs 23:7, Luke 10:38-42, Colossians 3:1-4