
ACTS: To the Ends of the Earth – I Saw the Light

If ever there was a more unlikely candidate for becoming a follower of Jesus, not to mention the leading voice for Christianity and the single greatest missionary and church planter the world has known, it was Paul. No one is beyond the reach of God's grace.
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups
  1. Read through Acts 9:1-19.  What were your “take aways” from this passage and this weeks message?
  2. Icebreaker:  What are some songs that you have gotten the lyrics wrong?
  3. If you are a follower of Jesus, don’t say people’s “no” for them.  Don’t think that anyone is too far away from God that they can’t come to the kingdom of heaven.  Who have you not shared the love of God with that you thought that there is no way they would ever come to a faith in Jesus?
  4. When is a time God has told you to go somewhere or do something that you have not obeyed His call?
  5. Tell about a time that you did follow the call of God and what was the outcome?
  6. Have you been baptized by immersion by your own decision to follow Christ?  If not, what is holding you back?
  7. Is there anything in your past that you are having trouble thinking that God could ever forgive you?  If yes, simply ask God to forgive you and have the group pray that you can forgive yourself.
  8. Make a list of 3 people that you know you need to have a spiritual conversation with or at the very least invite them to “Come and See” what God is doing through the church.
Acts 9:1-19