
ACTS: To the Ends of the Earth – Obeying the Call of God

Here’s what matters. Being faithful to the Lord in what He has called us to do, being a healthy church that obeys the call of God in our lives is what matters the most. Integral too that is sharing the Good News of the Gospel.
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups
  1. Read through Acts 8:26-40.  What were your “take aways” from this passage and this weeks message?
  2. Has God ever spoken to you?  How?
  3. Do you tend to talk more to God than you listen? How might you change this? How do we hear from the Holy Spirit?
  4. What are the distractions that you need to remove in order to hear from God more clearly?
  5. What can we learn from Philip’s unflinching obedience?
  6. Pastor Mitch said, "YOU NEVER FULLY KNOW the eternal impact you will have on others when you share the story of God’s love in your life.” Tell about a time you followed the call of God and it impacted someone else’s life.
  7. Tell about a time that you missed an opportunity to share God’s Love with someone.
  8. What intentional things can you do to be more aware of opportunities to share the Gospel with others?
Acts 8:26-40