
Living a Life in Sandals: Don’t Skip the Credits

Don't skip the credits!  The genealogy of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew.  What is the purpose of this long list of names?  Why do we need to know this?  Because it is just another proof that Jesus is who he said he is. According to the Old Testament, the Messiah, Jesus, would have to be born from the family line of Abraham and the family line of King David. If Jesus was outside of that family tree it would have been impossible for Him to have been the Messiah.  So, Matthew goes to great lengths to start his account of Jesus by pointing us to his Birthrights and Bloodline.
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups

Pastor Mitch talked about how WE make faith way more complicated than even God made it.

Let's break it down...what did Jesus say was the most important law?

What was the 2nd law that is as important as the first?

How are those two equally important laws incredibly simple yet a daily struggle?  What do we do to make our faith more difficult/complicated?

The Gospel of Matthew was written in topical order (not chronological).  Why would he do that?  What would his purpose be?

When reading scripture, why shouldn't we pull one or two verses (out of context) to try and prove our point to fit our culture?

How can we avoid the pitfalls that happen when we pluck verses out of the Bible?