
Not For Sale

What is your relationship to the Holy Spirit? Is it transactional or relational? Simon learned the hard way that the Spirit is not for sale.
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups
  1. Read Acts 8:4-24.  What were your "take aways" from this weeks message?
  2. It is an observable fact in history that persecution can lead to growth for the church.  How has this been true for you personally?
  3. Simon's motives for desiring the Holy Spirit were obvious and overt, but how often do we desire God for what He can do for us rather than a simple desire for His presence?
  4. Motives are key.  Do you ever find yourself negotiating with God, or trying to "earn" His favor? How do you know?  How can you avoid this error?
  5. On the other side of the coin, how often do you fall into the error of the villagers in Francis Chan's story of the "Big red tractor" and simply try to make it through life and ministry under your own strength?
  6. What practical steps can  you take this week to calibrate your relationship with the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity?
Acts 8:4-24