
Radical Love

Discussion Questions for Growth Groups
  1. What is one thing about this message that was particularly helpful, challenging, or encouraging for you?
  2. How did Amy’s experience of listening to the Holy Spirit resonate with you?  Have you ever had a similar experience?
  3. Read Hebrews 4:7. Have you hardened your heart to what the Spirit is saying? What are some common ways we harden our hearts?  What might be a remedy?
  4. Mark & Kathy spoke about how the trial of theirs son’s illnesses has strengthened their faith in God.  How have trials effected your walk?
  5. Read James 1:2-4 and discuss.
  6. Clearly John’s act of uncommon generosity is truly “uncommon.” What does his attitude say about living with an open hand; participating in the joy of generosity, say to you about our attachment to things?  What has been your experience with the call to live generously?
  7. How does the Cipolla’s and Sanguinet’s story reflect the best of the beauty of the local church? Have you had a hard time loving the “bride of Christ”?  How might we grow our love for her?
Acts 2:42-47