
The Power To Change: God doesn’t Simply Want to Save Us, He Wants To Change Us

Everyone likes to win. It’s fun to win a game or a race. But how do you train to win at things like marriage, health, or your relationship with God?
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups

How to get back on track in your walk with God.

  • The power to change begins with humble prayer.
  • The power to change begins with humble worship.
  • The power to change begins with humble investigation.
    • Mentor/mentored - What man or woman am I learning from?
    • Study - who is this God that I serve?
    • Ask questions


Discussion Questions:

  • What sport or activity did you train for the most when you were younger?
  • Which part of this message was most impactful for you and why?
  • What are some differences between “trying” and “training”?
  • Read 1 Timothy 4:7-8. What does “training in godliness” look like in the world today? What tools are helpful for this training?
  • What’s your current mindset like when it comes to making a lasting change in your life? What truths about your identity do you need to embrace to make the changes you want to see?
  • Talk about some of the habits you have in your life that strengthen your relationship with God. In what ways could you prioritize these habits to serve you and the people around you?



2 Chronicles 7: 14, Romans 12: 1-2, Proverbs 12:15, 1 Timothy 4:7-8