
The Power To Change: You In 5 Years

During The Power to Change, we’ve learned what we need to do to start godly habits and break bad ones. This week, we’ll get the last piece of the puzzle and learn how to make our results last for good!
Discussion Questions for Growth Groups


  • How would you like your life to change in the next five years?
  • Which part of this message was most impactful for you and why?
  • Think about your habits. How have they shaped who you are today?
  • Read Galatians 6:7-9. What are some of the good things you’re currently doing? How could God use those habits to positively impact your future?
  • What quarter of the "game" are you in?  How have you grown/matured (Spiritually, Mentally, Financially, Physically) in the past 5 years?

Start doing. Commit to a step and live it out this week.

  • Commit to one small habit you’ll start today that will help you follow God and become the person you want to be in five years.